How Often Should You Buy New Mascara to Avoid Eye Infections?

That tube you’ve had for 2 years has to go!

Mascara can contribute to many things in your life, like amazing eyelashes and… eye infections?  OK, that last one isn’t exactly ideal, but it’s a possibility if you’re still using mascara you can’t even remember buying. It might seem harmless enough—mascara can be pricey, so why would you toss a tube without using up every bit of pigment? Unfortunately, hanging on to old mascara isn’t doing your eyes any favors.

To avoid mascara-related eye infections, you should be getting a new tube every few months at a minimum.  Exactly how often will depend on the specific product recommendations, but most manufacturers suggest replacing your mascara every two to four months, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Maybe there’s no way you’ll go through an entire tube of mascara in three months. Relatable. If that’s the case, consider buying sample or travel-sized tubes and seeing where that gets you. You could end up safeguarding your eye health in the long run.

If you’re dealing with weird eye symptoms, call us today!