Welcome Dena Birckhead, Licensed Optician

Some of you may already know our Licensed Optician, Dena Birckhead, as she worked at a practice in Charlottesville for over 18 years. In fact, she and Dr. Franklin worked together at that practice. For those of you who don’t know her, she is an Optical Rockstar. You may wonder how one becomes an Optical Rockstar. It starts with a great eye for style, add in a ton of experience and knowledge, and finish with a sincere interest in helping others. Dena’s Optical Rockstar Stats: License: 1993 received her optical license in the mail right after coming back from her honeymoon Family: husband Ed (a Charlottesville native), daughter (studying forensic science at VCU), son (handsome and smart), dog (Otis-definitely in … Read More

Thankful for our team

Hi Crozet Eye Care Friends! I thought I would write an update (not about COVID-19), but about how thankful I am for the Crozet Eye Care Team. Dr. Julia Katsev has been with the practice now for ten months, and patients have been delighted. I already knew she was great (and probably smarter than I since she is residency trained at Hopkins), but to have so many patients stop me to tell me how wonderful she is confirms that she is a great fit for our patients and team. Be sure to check out her bio here. It has also been fantastic having her and our amazing team recently through this pandemic. Some of you know that I recently had … Read More