Winter Sports and Eye Safety

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During the Winter season, emergency room doctors see a number of injuries related to sports like skiing, snowboarding, snow tubing, and sledding. While skinned knees, bumps, bruises, and sprained ankles are frequent occurrences; eye injuries happen all too often on snowy playing fields.  Every year, hospital emergency rooms treat more than 40,000 sports-related eye injuries. More than one-third of those injured are children. Sports are the main cause of eye injuries in children under the age of 16. Before you hit the slopes, here are a few things to consider…

More than 90% of these injuries could have been prevented simply by wearing proper protective eyewear. Regular eyeglasses and contact lenses do not offer adequate protection from sports-related eye injuries. The American Optometric Association strongly recommends the use of protective eyewear for most sports, including downhill skiing, snowboarding, and snow tubing, as well as basketball, baseball, fencing, football, hockey, lacrosse, paintball, racquetball, and water polo.

The glasses in the photo above are just a sample of the ones we have in stock. All are made with polycarbonate lenses, so they’re impact resistant and good for all sports.

If any member of your family plays a sport or is thinking of doing some extracurricular activities this winter, come see us about ordering some sports-safe glasses. Call 434-823-4441 to make an appointment.