Regular eye exams are as vital to your vision and overall health as annual physicals. Many health issues, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, can be detected through your eyes before symptoms present themselves. Also, many eye diseases present no signs or symptoms until it’s too late, often when the damage is irreversible.
The American Optometric Association recommends eye examinations at 6 months, 3 years, before 1st grade and every two years thereafter for those patients at no-to-low risk. For patients with a higher risk, exams are recommended annually.
Examining the retina allows us to detect many diseases and disorders, such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal tears or detachments, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
Optomap Retinal Exam:
A wellness screening that captures an ultra widefield image of the retina, which is as unique as your fingerprint. This picture of the retina becomes a permanent record in our patients’ files, allowing us to measure against it for changes in the future.
OCT iWellness Scan:
The latest technology introduced in our field that lets us look at each layer of the retina, providing an image of the eye similar to that of a CT scan. The iWellness Scan allows us to detect diseases long before they even present symptoms.

Advanced Technology

iCare Tonometer:
“No Puff of Air” is how our patients refer to this test, which replaced the dreaded “puff of air” exam. This technology measures the fluid pressure inside the eye and is integral in the evaluation of glaucoma. It is painless and quick!
Humphrey Matrix Automated Visual Field:
A highly sophisticated instrument that helps us detect peripheral vision loss due to glaucoma, stroke, and other neurologic disorders. This integral procedure takes about 40 seconds per eye and is included in all comprehensive exams.
iVue OCT System:
The iVue OCT System is a powerful clinical tool that transforms the way we look at your retina, optic nerve, and cornea. We can diagnose and track ocular changes caused by macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetes, and other diseases.