We have a lot to recognize this month. We would like to welcome Jonna Garono and Erika Pugh to our Crozet Eye Care team.
Jonna will be answering your phone calls, and being a liaison between you (our patients) and our staff.
Erika will be joining us as our patient care coordinator. You will see her at the front desk assisting patients with checking in and out. We are so excited to welcome these women to our team!
Continuing with recognition we would like to recognize both Emily Damron and Patti Behrend. They have been a part of the Crozet Eye Care family for 1 year now, and we hope for many more.
Last but certainly not least, Lauren Yancey, who you know as “Lo”, recently just took her Certified Paraoptometric exam and passed. Lauren is now joining others in the staff as being a Certified Paraoptometric. In addition to studying for this test and working to continue her education, Lauren was recently accepted to Salus University and will be studying to become a Doctor of Optometry next Fall.