Store Brand Contact Lens Solutions?

Cheaper Yes, But Are They Safe?

You may have noticed that stores like your pharmacy and grocer sell store-branded contact lens care products, also known as “private label” products. Often they are considerably cheaper than name-brand products. Should you use them?

These products are safe and FDA-approved, or they couldn’t be sold. But there are potential problems. Sometimes private label products are made from older formulations, which don’t offer the same advantages as newer products.

But here’s a bigger problem: As you know, you shouldn’t switch products without consulting your doctor to make sure the new solution is compatible with your lenses. Let’s say that you buy a bottle of Store-brand X. You use the product, and everything is dandy. Next time you buy Store-brand X, it may not be the same product. That’s because the store doesn’t, of course, make its own solution. They buy it from a supplier. If a better deal comes along, they might switch suppliers – and even formulations – but still sell the revised product under the “Store-brand X” name. The revised formulation may or may not be right for your eyes or your particular contact lenses.

More information on picking the right contact lens solution in the next issue! As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time!